Vladisavljević Lab
Goran Vladisavljević

Goran’s research is focused of fabrication of emulsions and smart particles using droplet microfluidic and membrane devices for applications in healthcare and environmental engineering, food engineering, molecular biology, and chemistry. His group exploits physicochemical and chemical phenomena/processes such as phase separation, molecular self-assembly, free-radical polymerisation, nanoprecipitation, crystallisation, ionic crosslinking, and molecular imprinting to tailor composition, morphology and microstructure of fabricated materials.
James Moshtaghibana

PhD Student
1st Supervisor: Goran Vladisavljević
2nd Supervisor: Jin Xuan
3rd Supervisor: Guido Bolognesi
Email: s.moshtaghibana@lboro.ac.uk
James works on the microfluidic generation of core shell microcapsules and their applications in different engineering fields. James's research also focuses on the development and optimisation of new methods for droplet generation using the 3D printing techniques.
Minjun Chen

PhD Student
1st Supervisor: Goran Vladisavljević
2nd Supervisor: Guido Bolognesi
Email: s.moshtaghibana@lboro.ac.uk
Minjun works on the microfluidic generation of structured microparticles in glass capillary devices.
Sumit Parvate

PhD Student
1st Supervisor: Goran Vladisavljević
2nd Supervisor: Guido Bolognesi
3rd Supervisor: Dr. Sujay Chattopadhyay
Email: s.parvate@lboro.ac.uk
Sumit’s research work emphasizes the controlled fabrication of multifunctional polymeric microcapsules/microstructures using microfluidic and chemical fabrication methods for thermal energy storage application.