Bolognesi Lab
Monodisperse ultralow interfacial tension oil-in-water droplets displaying thermal-capillary waves at the droplet interface.
Lab Leader:
Dr Guido Bolognesi
Our research focuses on the production and manipulation of functional particles in micron-scale flows and confined micro-environments for the investigation of their fundamental properties and behaviour as well as for the development of new applications in the healthcare, food and energy sectors.
We reveal a physical mechanism that enables the preconcentration, sorting, and characterization of charged polystyrene nanobeads and liposomes dispersed in a continuous flow within a straight micron-sized channel.Our numerical and experimental analysis shows that a combination of nanoparticle diffusiophoresis, hydrodynamic effects and diffusioosmosis along the top and bottom channel walls are responsible for the observed particles dynamics.
A. Chakra et al., ACS Nano, 2023, 17, 14644-14657
We discovered a new physical mechanism whereby steady state salt gradients are exploited to trap, accumulate and release colloidal particles within the dead-end cavities of microstructured silicon surfaces. These findings will open new avenues of research on soft matter as well as chemical and biological systems, where solute concentration gradients and flows in confined geometries are ubiquitous.
N. Singh et al. Phys. Rev. Lett., 2020, 125, 248002.